Current NIHR Funding Opportunities can be found on the following link: Current NIHR Funding Opportunities

Current Arthritis Research UK funding deadlines can be found on the following link:

British Scoliosis Research Foundation details of funding available for research can be found on the following link:

Action Medical Research for Children provides funding for research into prevention and treatment of disease and disability, information on funding available can be found on the following link:

Orthopaedic Research UK provides funding for research projects in orthopaedics, more information about funding available can be found on the following link:

Charted Society of Physiotherapist provides funding for research related to physiotherapy, information about available funding can be found on the following link:

The Royal College of Nursing provides options for bursaries and other funding streams, more information can be found on the following link:

The Burdett Trust for Nursing provides funding for nursing research, information on their programmes and funding available can be found on the following link:

Information about other potentially suitable funders can be found on this link: Research Funding Opportunities

Various schemes for professional development, including MSc, PhD funding is available from the NIHR as well as many other others. If you require information on funding available, please contact​​​​​